Straight Stair Lift
Straight stairlifts are the simplest form of stairlift, the easiest to install and also the least expensive. They are best suited for staircases that have no turns, bends or landings. Each track is cut to length based on the number of steps and can be installed on either side of the stairs.
There is almost no minimum stair width for a stairlift, some straight stairlifts have a fold up footrest, seat and armrests. This keeps the compact stairlift nicely tucked away allowing more space on the stairs for other users. If space constraints mean you can’t keep your stairlift parked on the stairs, even with seat, foot and armrest folded, adding a short curved track addition to the end of the straight stairlift allows you to bend the track in any direction needed to park the stairlift off the stairs and out of the way.
Our stairlift technicians have the experience to help you plan the perfect stairlift system to fit your unique needs and solve specific challenges. Please contact us and we’ll help you figure out which options iare best for you and your home.